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Generation Resourcing

Project Type:      Web Development
Client: Generation Resourcing
Release Date: January 10, 2014
Technologies: Web Design, WordPress, PHP
Development 80%
Design 50%
Marketing 70%

Increase in Candidates

Revenue Increase

Increase in Clients


Generation Resourcing needed to redesign its digital user experience to be more engaging, increase candidates and position the brand as a trusted recruitment agency.


The Generation Resourcing candidate has high digital expectations.

While Generation Resourcing’s Web site was working, the company acknowledged the need for a more seamless, engaging, corporate-like experience.

So, we redesigned Generation Resourcing’s website by creating a look and feel that is unique, anticipates both client and candidates needs at a personalised level and is a key source for recruitment information and inspiration.


The new website strengthens Generation Resourcing’s position as the leader in sales recruitment in the recruitment industry by giving candidates what they need, when they need it most.

Since the site launch in January 2014, Candidate applications are up 10 percent and client revenue up 5 percent.
