0203 627 1881 hello@lemonyeti.co.uk


creating brands that work in a digital world

What makes a Brand?

A brand is not a logo and it is definitely not a website or a brochure. A brand is a voice, a tone, a way of behaving, an attitude, a message. Our designers understand this, and will work with you to create a brand identity and collateral that effectively communicates your brand to your target audience.

The main objectives for a good brand will include:

  • Delivering the branding message clearly
  • Confirming your credibility
  • Motivating the buyer
  • Concreting on user loyalty

Why do you need it?

Your brand is what you are really selling to your customers, not just a product or service for which there may already be many existing providers. A strong brand can make any business stand out from the crowd, particularly in a competitive market.

Successful branding is about promoting your strengths. LemonYeti will start by finding out about what your business is good at and what you believe in as a business.

Why us?

Your brand is a very valuable asset and in the wrong hands can be eroded or destroyed. The vast majority of graphic designers are artists. Some are very good designers, but very few have a good understanding of branding so their creative product is not strategy driven and can often look great, but be off brand.

LemonYeti develops a good understanding of our clients industries, market places and unique challenges. We think like business people and offer “outside the box” brand building ideas. We see our clients’ success as our success and strive for long term partnerships.

This is something seldom found with a design firm or freelancer who is more interested in short-term personal gains and moving on to the next project and client.

Our Services Include

Brand Strategy
Competitor Analysis
Logo Design
Responsive Web Design
Social Media Marketing
Search Marketing

Stationery Design


We  our work

See our Portfolio

Our Process