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virtually no other advertising platform is as dynamic.

What is Paid Search (PPC)?

Pay per click (PPC) advertising allows you to place image display and text-based Ads on search engine results pages, many social media sites and relevant websites that feature advertising messages.

Although you are potentially exposing your ads and brand to millions of online consumers, you only pay when those potential targets express an interest and engage through clicking on your ad for more information on your website. When managed well, PPC campaigns can drive targeted traffic to your site, and convert those clicks into customers.

Why do you need it?

PPC is the fastest way for your company to appear at the top of the search engine results page. Along with access to the respective search engine’s network sites and platforms included in its packages, and the ability to schedule ads and target them to specific locations and times, means that paid search is an almost essential part of any marketing strategy.

Paid Search:

  • Can give you first page exposure on major search engines
  • Can send immediate and consistent traffic to your website
  • Allows campaigns to be tested and ads to be accurately targeted
  • Gives your brand large reach and exposure
  • Ensures your ads match relevant search queries
  • Allows for accurate tracking

Why us?

Paid search is the most immediate, controllable, and highest impact digital marketing tactic we employ.

We specialise in the research, planning, implementation and on-going maintenance of paid search campaigns; we utilise comprehensive keyword strategies, innovative bidding tactics, and expert copywriters, supported by industry-leading reporting and optimisation tools to separate ourselves from our competitors.

Our Services Include

Google AdWords
Facebook & LinkedIn Advertising
Search query analysis
Keyword discover & build
Analytics and conversion tracking
Optimisation of ads
Evaluation of KPI’s
Monthly reporting


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